In the German-speaking countries, health professionals are increasingly being trained at universities (of applied sciences). This development is leading to an increase in research activity in these professions / disciplines. The International Journal of Health Professions IJHP supports this development.
- Founded in 2014 by the (Association for the Advancement of Science in the Health Professions) Verein zur Förderung der Wissenschaft in den Gesundheitsberufen VFWG (Association for the Advancement of Science in the Health Professions)
- one editor in chief each from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
- funded by membership fees, donations, and grants
There are differences in the education and regulations of health professions in the German-speaking countries.
The IJHP addresses all healthcare professions with a university education (university or applied sciences). Depending on the country, these include:
Biomedical analysis, health promotion, medicine, midwives, nursing, nutritional counseling, occupational therapy, orthoptics, radiology, speech therapy.
Contributions can come from other disciplines related to healthcare, such as social work, psychology, sociology, law, economics, etc.